Monthly Archives: August, 2011

Are you a Diabetic Mom???

This month out of 20 patients whom I delivered , 3 were Diabetics on Insulin and 2 had a Gestational diabetes controlled on Metformin.We as Asians are more prone to diabetes.Our eating habits have changed drastically, not for good and Pregnancy itself is a diabetogenic state.India for sure is the diabetic capital of the world. So …

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The St Vincent Declaration

Representatives of government health departments and patients’ organisations from all European countries met with diabetes experts under the aegis of WHO Regional Offices for Europe and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), European region, in St Vincent, Italy on 10–12 October 1989. They unanimously agreed on the following recommendations and urged for their implementation in all …

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Rare and interesting………Ectopic Pregnancy in Rudimentary Horn of Uterus

Ectopic Pregnancy in left Rudimentary horn.There was congenital abscence of tube and ovary on that side Rudimentary horn removed laparoscopically.Methylene blue dye coming out of Cornual opening Removed rudimentary horn with ectopic pregnancy

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